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Chinese translation for "with a bad grace"


Related Translations:
fall from grace:  堕落;误入歧途经历地位或声誉的降低失宠, 堕落误入歧途。
bad mojo:  坏蟑螂复刻版强档攻略
bad times:  不景气, 萧条行情坏
bad mergentheim:  巴特梅根特海姆
bad planning:  错误的计划
bad cocoon:  不良茧
bad umbrella:  之称呼
bad company:  不和谐的搭档轰天杀手坏蛋公司坏伙伴火拼双辣临时特工麻辣拍档神鬼拍档乌龙搭档
bad oracle:  公司商业应用软件部的文件格式
bad breakaway:  气流严重分离
Example Sentences:
1.He took his defeat with a bad grace .
2.With a bad grace , the u . s . army agreed to leave iraq next month
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